Mubarokah Opeyemi Biography: The Journey of a Young Entrepreneur

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In this blog post, we will explore the biography of Mubarokah Opeyemi, her early life, education, career, challenges, and achievements.

Mubarokah Opeyemi is an aspiring young entrepreneur born in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. She is studying science and technology at the First Technical University, Ibadan (Tech-U), where she is part of the pioneer set of students. 

She is also the founder and CEO of Made's Copy, a business that sells various beauty products and provisions. In this blog post, we will explore the biography of Mubarokah Opeyemi, her early life, education, career, challenges, and achievements.


Mubarokah Opeyemi Early Life and Education

Mubarokah Opeyemi, also known as Made's Copy, was born on June 19, 1996, in Ibadan, Oyo State, Nigeria. She is the last of four children of her parents, who are both civil servants. Her father worked for Ajaokuta Steel and Company in Kogi State, while her mother worked for the Ministry of Education in Oyo State.

Mubarokah had a passion for learning and reading from a young age, and she attended various schools in different states due to her father's job. She started her primary education at Nureen Nursery and Ajasco Primary School in Ajaokuta, Kogi State. She later continued her primary education at St. John School 1, Eleta, Ibadan, where she did her common entrance examination.

She attended Ibadan City Academy for her junior secondary school and Wesley College of Science, Elekuro, Ibadan, for her senior secondary school. She obtained her Senior Secondary Certificate Examination (SSCE) in 2014, with excellent grades in all her subjects.

In 2016, she took the Joint Admissions and Matriculation Board (JAMB) examination and gained admission to study marketing at the Polytechnic, Ibadan. She finished her National Diploma (ND) in 2018 with distinction.

Mubarokah was admitted into the First Technical University, Ibadan, in March 2018 to study science and technology. The university was established in 2018 as Nigeria's first and only technical university, focusing on practical and entrepreneurial education. Mubarokah is among the first set of students in the university and is currently at her 300 level.


Mubarokah Opeyemi Career

Mubarokah Opeyemi started her entrepreneurial journey in 2018 when she gained admission to Tech-U. She realized that she needed to find a way to support herself and pay for her school fees, as her parents could not afford to fully sponsor her education. She also wanted to pursue her passion for business and create value for people.

She started by selling provisions, such as biscuits, sweets, noodles, and drinks, to her fellow students and staff at the university. She also sold beauty products, such as creams, soaps, scrubs, masks, and oils, to her customers. She sourced her products from trusted suppliers and offered them at affordable prices.

She named her business Made's Copy, a combination of her nickname, Made, and her motto, "Copy the best and leave the rest". She registered her business with the Corporate Affairs Commission (CAC) and opened a bank account. She also created a logo, a website, and social media pages for her business to promote her brand and reach more customers.

She faced many challenges in running her business, such as balancing academics and business, managing her finances, dealing with competition, and satisfying her customers. She overcame these challenges by being disciplined, diligent, creative, and customer-oriented. She also sought advice and mentorship from her lecturers, friends, and other successful entrepreneurs.

She achieved many successes in her business, such as increasing her sales, expanding her product range, growing her customer base, and building a loyal and satisfied clientele. She also won several awards and recognition for her business, such as the Best Student Entrepreneur Award from Tech-U, the Most Innovative Student Award from the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS), and the Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Nigerian Youth Entrepreneurship Network (NYEN).


Mubarokah Opeyemi Net Worth

Mubarokah Opeyemi's net worth is estimated at $50,000 as of January 2024. She makes money from selling various beauty products and provisions through her business, Made's Copy. She is also a science and technology student at the First Technical University, Ibadan. She is one of the most promising and influential young entrepreneurs in Nigeria.


Mubarokah Opeyemi Awards

Mubarokah Opeyemi is an aspiring young entrepreneur who has won several awards and recognition for her business, Made's Copy. Some of her awards include:

  • Best Student Entrepreneur Award from Tech-U
  • Most Innovative Student Award from the National Association of Nigerian Students (NANS)
  • Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award from the Nigerian Youth Entrepreneurship Network (NYEN)



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